Order of Protection Information
Our office has a division dedicated to victim support and advocacy to help you through what may be a difficult process. We are available to answer your questions and help you navigate through the criminal court system, recover restitution, and offer the justice you expect and deserve.
Our office provides information about victims' rights, the criminal justice system, and case status. Specifically, victims and witnesses can contact the State's Attorney's Office for:​
Assistance in court appearances
Information about their case
Assistance during Court proceedings
Referrals to community agencies
Referrals to Crime Victim Compensation Program
Referrals for Orders of Protection in Domestic Violence/Sexual Assault cases (if qualified)
Placement of witness on call for Court
Assistance with employer problems
If you wish to receive assistance from the Madison County State’s Attorney’s Office in recovering losses as a result of a crime or to be involved in the prosecution of a case in which you were a victim/witness, please contact our Victim/Witness Division at 618-296-6850 or, or refer to the resources below. The State's Attorney's Office strives to assist victims of crime through this difficult time.
Practical Information when Coming to Court for Victims and their Families
Download Information for Crime Victims:
Safety Plan for Domestic Violence Victims
Download Information about an Order of Protection
View additional resources, such as the Automated Victim Notification Network and Crime Victim Compensation Act, available through the Illinois Attorney General’s Office.
Visit the Madison County Circuit Clerk's office website for additional information and forms.
Receive support and additional information from the Illinois Coalition Against Sexual Assault (ICASA) and Metro East Every Survivor Counts.
The Illinois AVN system is a service through which victims of crime can use the telephone or Internet to search for information regarding the custody and case status of their offender and to register to receive telephone and e-mail notification when the offender's custody or court status changes. The toll-free number for the Illinois AVN system is (866)566-8439. This service is provided to assist Victims of Crime who have a right to know about their offender's custody and case status. Illinois AVN System/VINELink